Monday, February 11, 2013

No Apologies for One: Sorry not Sorry

Let me start with a genuine. I am sorry. I forgot about my Friday post and enjoyed and evening with friends. Sorry not sorry. I would have used my left over chicken (which I did this weekend) in a chicken salad, on either bread or one of my buns. I had chips and etc... many a leftover from last week found its way into my lunches and the fruit into some delicious smoothies.

Anyway, this apology to you got me to thinking about how many times we say we are sorry. While, admitting you are wrong or that you messed up is important, and sincere apologies are appreciated. Often we, find ourselves apologizing for unimportant and inappropriate things. I find myself apologizing for being honest, often saying the phrase "this is going to sound dumb," or "i'm sorry but..," phrases like these creep into my speech daily. It isn't just me, friends, parents, strangers all apologize for human things.

An example. Last week my skin broke out. I had a huge pimple on my face that was red and irritated. If the amount of make-up was an indication of how I felt, I was apologizing. But, that wasn't my fault at all so why did I feel the pressure to be perfect and cover up? One could argue it is "societies fault' but people make apologies like that all the time.
Another funny example. One of my dear friends, has been gassy as of late. She has been farting all the time. We finally are laughing it off, but why should she feel the need to apologize? It isn't her fault, merely her body is being her body. Maybe an 'excuse me' is required, but not an apology.

More seriously why do people make us feel like we should have to apologize for our feelings? (If this hasn't happened to you, you are truly blessed.) We expect and are expected to understand why people feel certain ways. We have to validate why we like someone, why we like a certain band or why we believe certain things.

The truth is, I honestly don't know why I feel things, do things or want things and probably you don't either. And if we do know, why does anyone else need to know?

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we were all honest, didn't apologize and genuinely took the time to think about how other people may be feeling and simply understand.

(Noted: That was a little feminist flower child of me. Perfect!)

Okay, thank you for indulging my mini-crazy-lady-feelings rant. I am sorry. But, actually no I am not sorry, not even a little. Because I feel that way and if you don't it doesn't matter.

Today instead of a recipe I am going to share some of my favorite healthy snacks. (Because I am on a pre-surgery diet...mer ner)
Unfortunately...the flavor of my feelings for the next few weeks is going to be healthy. Bah!

Healthy and Yummy Snackage:

  • Carrots (sweet and crisp...mmm)
  • Celery and peanut butter
  • Cottage cheese and peaches
  • Smoothies (any fruit with yogurt and maybe ice)
  • Frozen peas (its silly but they are good...try it first)
  • A cup of juice
  • Apples
  • Crackers or goldfish
  • Pretzels 
If you snack healthy then you will feel better at meal times! And those feelings are good feelings! 

Have a happy Monday! My goal for the day is not to apologize for things that are out of my control. Be honest. Listen and only apologize when I need to. 
All of the love, 

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