Monday, February 11, 2013

No Apologies for One: Sorry not Sorry

Let me start with a genuine. I am sorry. I forgot about my Friday post and enjoyed and evening with friends. Sorry not sorry. I would have used my left over chicken (which I did this weekend) in a chicken salad, on either bread or one of my buns. I had chips and etc... many a leftover from last week found its way into my lunches and the fruit into some delicious smoothies.

Anyway, this apology to you got me to thinking about how many times we say we are sorry. While, admitting you are wrong or that you messed up is important, and sincere apologies are appreciated. Often we, find ourselves apologizing for unimportant and inappropriate things. I find myself apologizing for being honest, often saying the phrase "this is going to sound dumb," or "i'm sorry but..," phrases like these creep into my speech daily. It isn't just me, friends, parents, strangers all apologize for human things.

An example. Last week my skin broke out. I had a huge pimple on my face that was red and irritated. If the amount of make-up was an indication of how I felt, I was apologizing. But, that wasn't my fault at all so why did I feel the pressure to be perfect and cover up? One could argue it is "societies fault' but people make apologies like that all the time.
Another funny example. One of my dear friends, has been gassy as of late. She has been farting all the time. We finally are laughing it off, but why should she feel the need to apologize? It isn't her fault, merely her body is being her body. Maybe an 'excuse me' is required, but not an apology.

More seriously why do people make us feel like we should have to apologize for our feelings? (If this hasn't happened to you, you are truly blessed.) We expect and are expected to understand why people feel certain ways. We have to validate why we like someone, why we like a certain band or why we believe certain things.

The truth is, I honestly don't know why I feel things, do things or want things and probably you don't either. And if we do know, why does anyone else need to know?

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we were all honest, didn't apologize and genuinely took the time to think about how other people may be feeling and simply understand.

(Noted: That was a little feminist flower child of me. Perfect!)

Okay, thank you for indulging my mini-crazy-lady-feelings rant. I am sorry. But, actually no I am not sorry, not even a little. Because I feel that way and if you don't it doesn't matter.

Today instead of a recipe I am going to share some of my favorite healthy snacks. (Because I am on a pre-surgery diet...mer ner)
Unfortunately...the flavor of my feelings for the next few weeks is going to be healthy. Bah!

Healthy and Yummy Snackage:

  • Carrots (sweet and crisp...mmm)
  • Celery and peanut butter
  • Cottage cheese and peaches
  • Smoothies (any fruit with yogurt and maybe ice)
  • Frozen peas (its silly but they are good...try it first)
  • A cup of juice
  • Apples
  • Crackers or goldfish
  • Pretzels 
If you snack healthy then you will feel better at meal times! And those feelings are good feelings! 

Have a happy Monday! My goal for the day is not to apologize for things that are out of my control. Be honest. Listen and only apologize when I need to. 
All of the love, 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thirsty Thursday!

Another dinner for one! That's you. Actually it was me...oh well!

Thursdays are the days that celebrate that tomorrow is finally Friday! So generally I recommend that you find a happy hour somewhere and be happy!

NOTE: Some people, perhaps even you and often me call Thursdays 'Thirsty Thursday'. And while that makes a Thursday infinitely more exciting and perhaps can involve drinks for two, (which let us be honest, is better than dinner for one). There is something to be said about a "thankful Thursday".

So today instead of finding my usual jack and coke or perhaps a Kentucky Bourbon barrel ale (which has been my happy hour favorite as of late...) I found myself a friend and a movie and just enjoyed an afternoon off.

Sometimes I think that I forget how truly wonderful people are. Not only am I blessed with a fantastic family, and a uniquely insane loving group of friends, I have the opportunity to do new things and meet new people everyday. I also live in a country where (if I make the choice) at any moment I can reinvent myself, or an idea or just stay crazy, quirky, silly me.

Okay, okay, sorry I got a little cheesy on you.

So while we are talking cheese let's take our Thursday into the kitchen!

Treat yourself to Steak Dinner for one!
Photo: Tonight's dinner will be on my blog in a few. Steak for one!

So I got out my George Foreman again tonight for my flat steak. A pan seared steak, or a broiled steak would have been just as easy and delicious. But, I love my grill...(secret, it makes me feel empowered! watch out men everywhere...woman with her grill)

I put salt and pepper and little bit of steak seasoning on my steak (2tsp), and added a drizzle of Italian dressing (1 tbsp)
NOTE: (it was a 7 oz flat steak, so I only cooked half and put the other half in the freezer for another day)

My feeling on seasoning things: I want you to make them taste how you want, not how I want, I don't know what you like... (especially you men...women cannot figure you out) So I simply make suggestions in amounts of spices etc... BE HAPPY, TASTE YOUR FOOD, IN MY OPINION THESE SPICES DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRECISE!

Sorry, mini kitchen rant. Anyway the steak cooked very fast because it was thin...about 5 mins

While it was cooking I had been working on my favorite thing ever. Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole. You had almost forgiven my sentimental cheesiness earlier and here I go again more cheese. No worries it is easy!

You cook the cauliflower. ( I microwaved it, about 1/2 a cup with a lil water...easy)
You drain it and add shredded cheese (I used one 'me-sized' handful, which is small maybe a 1/4 of a cup of cheese) But really you can add as little or as much cheese as you want!
Then you put a little bit of butter on it. (I am from the south so...yea butter)
Salt and pepper.
At this point you put it in something oven safe I used a little souffle pan.
Crumble some bread crumbs, or if you want ritz crackers and bake it. for like 5 mins at 425.

I also had been multitasking like the fantastic lady I am (also the queen of quick creative kitchen crafting...just made that up right now) Anyway while the kitchen was abuzz I was expertly boiling angel hair pasta on the stove.

When it was finished I strained it. Then sprinkled a little bit of olive oil, half a piece of white bread crumbled in, then basil, garlic salt and Parmesan cheese in whatever amounts you want. (I like it simple so not too much of anything)

Then I assembled a little green salad and cottage cheese. And put all of these delicious delicacies on a plate. And had myself a fantastic Thursday night dinner! And in honor of Thirsty Thursday a glass of chardonnay.
Funny Courtesy Hello Ecard: I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.

So I hope you found yourself thankful this Thursday, and if not perhaps you found a thirst quencher or something to wish you well as we rapidly approach FRIDAY!

Happy Thursday all! Thirsty or Thankful!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday for one! You are half way there.

Happy Wednesday! You have officially made it half way through the week!

Wednesdays occasionally have been called hump day. And while that sounds exciting, in my experience Wednesdays have not often provided me with the exciting version of Hump Day. For me hump day can more easily be described as mountain day because Friday and thus the weekend still seems pretty far away. Monday and Tuesday have brought me wandering through the desert of the monotonous beginning of the week to this very day and this moment right now where I find myself atop a figurative mountain gazing into the rest of this week. While this mountain is potentially treacherous and definitely was another long day of work. From the end of your Wednesday (or the top of the mountain) one can see the rest of the week looking far easier now that we have made it this far, and the weekend is once again in our sights.
NOTE: I am not stuck on a negative opinion of the exciting version of hump if someone comes along to make my Wednesdays a little more exciting, I'll let you know. :)


Italian Chicken with seasoned rice and honey peas

  • Chicken breasts (You will cook two. One for tonight. One for later this week. And the last two from our grocery trip get frozen for dinner another day.) 
  • Salt, pepper, seasoning salt, garlic powder, onion powder, basil flakes, oregano flakes.
  • Rice (I almost always have rice or pasta around, that is why it wasn't on my list,  it would only add a dollar to your grocery bill.)
  • Frozen peas
  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Optional (honey, sesame seeds, tomato sauce, lemon juice, olive oil) 
  • Cheese (the shredded we bought earlier) 
  • butter
This all took me about 15 minutes. Pretty quick meal for a Wednesday!

NOTE: I have a George Foreman grill. I LOVE IT!!! So that is how I cooked my chicken. It took about 8 mins after I seasoned it. However, you can just easily do tonight's chicken by route of the stove, or in the oven, or an actual grill outside. It really doesn't matter, just do whatever will make you happy or what is most convenient. 

I took my chicken and seasoned it with salt and pepper and shake of both onion and garlic powder. I added some basil flakes and a little bit of oregano and then a substantial amount of seasoning salt and a light dusting of flour. (to give it a lil crunch) 
Note: I only seasoned this chicken breast. The other one I cooked later with just a little salt so it could be used for dinner Friday night! 

I put it in my grill. And let it cook while I bustled elsewhere.

Then I took a 1/4 cup of brown rice and threw it in a skillet on medium heat with 1/4 cup of water. (I used minute rice, which you can also cook in the microwave, but I like it a little brown so that is why I cooked it on the stove. But however is easiest. I am not about complicated in the kitchen.)  I added a little salt and pepper and another shake of paprika, and a tablespoon of tomato sauce just to give it some flavor and a little color (but that is totally optional) 

Check on your chicken! 

Then I microwaved a 1/2 cup of peas. Simply follow the instructions on the package. When you drain the water this is where I got a little fancy. But you do not have to. I added a table spoon of honey before I drained the water from the peas. You stir it so that it is basically dissolved. Then you drain the water. This gives the peas a super unique and sweet kick. I also sprinkled a few sesame seeds on top. (Honestly that was just to impress you by their fancy appearance...did it work? Anyway that gives it some fun texture and a unique taste) 

Finally, my chicken was done. So I put all of these Wednesday night conquests steaming on to a plate. (Nothing like a little heat in the kitchen...) 

Added a few fresh strawberries and called it Hump Day dinner for one! 

I hope you made it to the top of your Wednesday mountain. The rest of the week is now in sight! 

Happy Hump Day or if it wasn't as exciting as all that Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pancakes for One! Oppressive Tuesday!

The 5th of February is apparently national pancake day. Who knew?

However, this Pancake Day met with a oppressive Tuesday.

Some background. In 1916 a theatre movement swept the globe. The movement was Theatre of The Oppressed! It is those theatrical principles that have sculpted my feelings on Tuesdays. Namely the oppression part. Tuesdays generally make me feel like the week will never end. You wake up thinking 'sheesh is it Wednesday yet?' only it isn't. And here you are stuck in an in between  dealing with the leftover stench of Monday and yet looking forward to the daunting rest of your week.

NOTE: Not all Tuesdays are oppressive. In fact some are fantastic and fun perhaps even enjoyable. This is indeed a generalization. I will however tell you that I have made many a stranger smile, by wishing them a "Happy oppressive Tuesday!" and many more people laugh and start a conversation about the general mood of Tuesdays. (Make someone happy! Be silly wish them a fantastic oppressive Tuesday, but be sincere otherwise it will not work. They will not want to be oppressed so say with a dazzling smile or a dash of comedy, or even a wink of irony.)

SUBNOTE: THIS IS IMPORTANT! Theatre of the Oppressed is a real theatre movement. However, 1916 was just the first date that popped into my mind. Also, there is no real correlation between Tuesdays and Theatre of the Oppressed!

Now on to something not oppressive at all! PANCAKES!!!
In honor of Tuesday, or National Pancake day. (The choice is yours)


Boxed pancake mix is the easiest thing to make. You just add water. This cannot be messed up! Just follow the instructions on the box.
Since there is only one of me. I made only enough for 4 pancakes. This was a cup of mix and 3/4 of a cup of water.
Then I stirred.
(Any boys or men reading this, IT IS EASY! So maybe surprise a lady in your life and ladies nothing says you can't surprise a man...perhaps an opportunity to cook for two...I digress)
Then because I love flavors and delicious things. I added 2 tablespoons of white sugar to the mix and stirred it in. A tiny sprinkle of cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg and then 2 tsp of vanilla.
Then I stirred again!
I took 1 tbsp of butter and put it on a skillet on my stove set to a little below medium.
Then in honor of some up coming holiday, I poured my batter into a heart shaped cookie cutters.
NOTE: This requires patience. I started patient and then made two circle pancakes to be the base of my heart shaped ones. To do the hearts use a metal cookie cutter. You pour the batter so it fills them up half way. Then when you see it bubble at the top carefully remove cutter and flip.
ANOTHERNOTE: No one has ever complained about circle don't feel bullied into being fancy!
Then I cut up some strawberries sprinkled them around. (Put a few extras on the I could pretend to be healthy)
Drizzled some maple syrup and then drizzled a little chocolate. Then I topped it off with a light dusting of powdered sugar!

This is how I celebrate pancake day for one...or Tuesday. Or you can celebrate whatever seems good in your kitchen tonight!

Happy Oppressive Tuesday friends!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cooking For One: Monday

This next series of posts contain meals for one. Because sometimes you are single or home alone and only need to provide dinner for yourself. So treat yourself to a meal for one. Created especially for budget conscious ladies and gents. A week of food under $25.00.

This weeks grocery bill was 24.57!
Here is what  I bought:

  • Fresh Fruit (this week strawberries were on sale) 
  • A loaf of bread (nothing special)
  • hamburger buns
  • A bag of my favorite chips
  • 5 yogurts
  • A pre-made hamburger patty (single serve)
  • 4 Chicken breasts
  • as flat steak for one :) (sorta a splurge) 
  • peas, corn, cauliflower, mushrooms
  • iceberg lettuce
  • shredded cheese
  • lunch meat (small pack) 
  • cheese slices
  • pancake mix
(Note i will use ingredients that I did not buy in this list. But they are common kitchen spices and condiments etc.) 
Today of course is Monday. I do not know any people who like Mondays. Monday ruins the weekend really. Especially for those of us who are students or work desk jobs. Mondays signify the beginning of the week. New projects. New work. Or worse, left over projects and work. We are forced to deal with this mundane dreadful day every single week. I find myself finishing this Monday in the mood for comfort food. It was cold and snowy all day and as I cuddle into my apartment by myself, I of course am making comfort food for one. And tonight I wanted a burger. 

So I took out my hamburger patty. The pre-packaged ones are HUGE! So I split in half and put the other part in the freezer, perhaps for another snowy Monday. 

I threw in a handful of mushrooms and a few bread crumbs, a drizzle of terriyaki and formed a new patty.  I then put in a frying pan on the stove on medium heat. (make sure it isn't too thick or it will be rawish in the middle) Sprinkled a bit of salt and pepper

Then I took some mayonnaise and ketchup mixed them together added a little onion powder and a little salt. (Add a lil sauce to your life!!!) 

Then I prepared my bun, I took a piece of lettuce and a slice of cheese, and let my burger finish cooking. 

I decided I wasn't in the mood for fruit really so I grabbed a yogurt. And a handful of my favorite chips! (sunchips Parmesan) 

Put my burger on my bun. Put it all on a plate and had a Monday night dinner for one! It took maybe 15 mins and is very easy (which was good because on Monday you just want to relax) 

I hope you were not plagued with a case of the Mondays. And that if you were you found yourself a delicious dinner and a warm place to relax on this wintery Monday.

So, Monday has come and gone and tomorrow is another day!